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Pulkit Madan

Student's photo

Computer Science Student

Company: Bruce Power

Co-op Job Title: Data Analyst


What motivated you to apply for Co-op?

Co-op provides an opportunity to not only apply the skills that you learned in school but also to develop new ones while exploring the industry. Being in Computer Science, a field that has diverse applications, it is a great opportunity to figure out which industry suits you the best. You also expand your professional (and social) network which may help land a job after graduation.

Can you describe your position in a few sentences?

I was working with the Supply Chain Analytics team at Bruce Power. Daily activities involved modelling and forecasting demands from key stakeholders, using statistical modelling, quantifying commodity and supplier risk in procurement, running routine analysis, quantifying the probabilistic value of warranties, improving the maintenance program and automation of tasks to increase efficiency.

Did you receive training to perform your duties? Please Explain.

Yes, the first week of the term was dedicated to training. Proper training was provided not only for the tools that we are going to use but also in regard to the Safety Culture of the company. Being a leader in nuclear, Bruce Power has very high standards of workplace safety and we were made aware of all the dos and don'ts.

What was your work atmosphere like? (flexibility, formality, team centric, supportive)

I greatly enjoyed the work culture of Bruce Power. Everyone in my team was very supportive of each other and overall it was a very friendly environment.

What new skills were you able to learn/develop during your co-op placement?

I got to know various new tools for statistical modelling and machine learning. I also learned how to use report automation tools like Power BI. This co-op also provided an opportunity to improve my written and oral communication skills.

What was your proudest moment?

My team was able to finish first in a hackathon organized by Bruce Power. In addition, I got the opportunity to present the work I did over the summer to the CEO and 10+ other top executives of the company. Getting their time on a late Friday afternoon and getting acknowledgement for my work was definitely a proud moment.

What advice would you offer to current students thinking about pursuing co-op?

Most definitely try to do it. Persevere through the application process, do not worry about rejections and make use of the resources that are provided by the school.